报告题目:Semigroup of composition operators on analytic function spaces
I will talk some results on the semigroup of composition operators on analytic function spaces. In particular, we show that no non-trivial semigroup consisting of analytic self-maps of the unit disk generates a strongly continuous semigroup of composition operators on Qp spaces for p>0. For a semigroup, consisting of analytic self-maps of the unit disk, with inside Denjoy-Wolff point, we give some characterizations of the strongly continuous semigroup of composition operators on Qp and Morrey spaces.
乌兰哈斯,男,蒙古族,1998年在东芬兰大学获博士学位,现任汕头大学数学系教授,数学研究所所长。主持完成多项国家自然科学基金项目(含1项重点项目);在《中国科学》、JFA等国际学术期刊发表论文多篇,在Springer出版专著M bius Invariant Qk Spaces。曾获得全国模范教师、全国民族地区杰出青年、有突出贡献的中青年专家、曾宪梓教育基金会全国优秀教师二等奖、李嘉诚基金会卓越教学奖、广东省高等学校教学名师、广东省科学技术二等奖等。
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